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  • Where do you ship to?
    Currently we only ship to any province & territory within Canada. We are looking in to shipping to the USA in future. If you are from the United States and would like us to ship to you, let us know!
  • If I have an stl file. Could you print it for me?
    Of course we can! Use our contact form on our About page or send an email to Please note that custom orders do take longer than an order for an item we normally stock, as we have to fit it into our printing schedule.
  • Who do you ship with?
    Currently we ship primarily with Canada Post.
  • Why are shipping costs so high right now?
    Due to COVID-19 shipping costs for anything has gone through the roofs and unfortunately it makes a huge impact on small items like miniatures. Because of this we offer a flat shipping rate for your whole order, rather than per item.
  • Can I pick up my order in person?
    Unfortunately we do not have a physical location for customer to pickup orders from. We do occasionally have a booth in conventions and fairs where products can be purchased in person! Follow us on Instagram to know when and where we go.
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